What to do in the basement?

I've started to try to install things in the basement of my Mischief Managed shop... I don't know exactly what to do in that place: it's kind of hidden but it is rather roomy. I like that the floor is not flat (hopefully Linnie will help me to remove the prims that go through the walls).

I've been trying two ideas. First one would be an animal/nature shop for my puffs and owlets... and accessories and new stuff around the herbology theme that I love. Second is a special space for promotions and offers such as a mini yardsale, like pictured bellow... Or I could start my male shop here too...

What do you think ? Take this portkey if you wanna check the place...
Diana is wearing:
- Orange*Pekoe - M&M - Short sleeves sweater over shirt and tie *Work in Progress*
- Orange*Pekoe - M&M - Plaid skirt *Work in Progress*
- O* - Overknee socks in Hogwarts colors
- Orange*Pekoe - Double strap flats
- D!va - new group gift hair


iioko is the designer and owner of Orange*Pekoe brands. She has written this article.

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